
The Nutritional Benefits of Microgreens: A Comprehensive Guide
Posted on December 10, 2023

In the quest for optimal health and nutrition, the role of microgreens cannot be overstated. These tiny, vibrant greens are packed with a powerhouse of nutrients that can elevate your well-being to new heights. Welcome to MicroFresh M…

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Evidence Based Nutrition

PubMed Central

Microgreens—A Comprehensive Review of Bioactive Molecules and Health Benefits 

Bhaswant M, Shanmugam DK, Miyazawa T, Abe C, Miyazawa T. Microgreens-A Comprehensive Review of Bioactive Molecules and Health Benefits. Molecules. 2023 Jan 15;28(2):867. doi: 10.3390/molecules28020867. PMID: 36677933; PMCID: PMC9864543.

Health & Diet Guide

Microgreen Nutrient List

Basic Salad Mix - Vitamin A, C, Calcium, Iron, phosphorus

Basil - Antioxidants, Calcium, Magnesium, Fiber, Potassium, Vitamin K

Black Sunflower - Vitamin A, B, Complex B's, D, E, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Phosphorus

Broccoli - Vitamin A, C, Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus

Corn Shoots - Vitamins A, B, C, and E, calcium, chlorophyll, and magnesium

Detroit Dark Red Beets - Vitamins A, B, C, E, and K, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, and protein

Kale - Antioxidants, potassium, calcium

Bok Choy - Vitamin A, C, K, Calcium, Potassium, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc, carotenes 

Speckled Peas - Vitamin A, C, Calcium, Fiber, Folic Acid, Iron 

Spicy Salad Mix - Vitamin A, C, Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus

Rambo Radish - Vitamin A, B, C, E, K, Cantenes, Calcium, Folic Acid, Iron, Magnesium, Pantothenic Acid, Phosphorus, Zinc

Red Amaranth - Vitamins K, E, and C, calcium, iron, and beta-carotene

Wheatgrass (gluten free) - Vitamins A, B, C, D, K, Calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, Zinc

Swiss Chard -Vitamins A, B, C, E, and K, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, and protein

Sprouts vs Microgreens

Sprouts vs Microgreens - We are different

Microgreens are grown in soil; sprouts germinate in water

  • The leaves and stems of microgreens can be eaten; the “stem” and seed of sprouts can be eaten
  • Microgreens take around one to three weeks to grow, depending on the variety; sprouts take under a week to grow

"Microgreens are characterized by high content of carotenoids and chlorophylls, and organic acid, without any sugars, exhibiting higher anti-diabetic and anti-cholinergic activity than sprouts." PubMed Central  

MicroFresh Market

We Are MICROGREENS...Not Sprouts


The information provided throughout our website about the health benefits of microgreens is for general informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult a healthcare professional before making any dietary changes or using microgreens to address specific health concerns.